Remember some time ago when I asked for your help about ideas for a
book cover? Well the book is now finish and got printed last week!
The title of the book is: "Perspectives on the history of Jewish-Christian ideas".
I had a really hard time coming up with an idea for the cover since the subject was so broad. These were just some of the chapters:
- Martin Heidegger's experience of divinity through nature and landscape.
- Kant's view of the relation between moral and religion.
- Natural science and religion (thesis of secularization, thesis of conflict in the books by Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galileo and Nikolaus Kopernikus)
- The theologians Søren Kierkegaard, K.E. Løgstrup and Johannes Sløk and their individual presentation of their understanding of the relationship between God and Man.
- The reformation
- the Age of Enlightenment's historyphilosophical clash with the ecclesiatical view of history.
- the Age of Enlightenment and Christianity
See what I mean?!
I puzzled about this for a week and when I finally came up with an idea and described it for G. (one of my best friends and the one who collected materials for this book along with S.) on the phone she told me that the idea was useless. The cover illustration could under no circumstance contain
any religious symbols or depiction of Science vs. Religion. What was I suppose to draw then!?! I tell you I was blank for hours when this idea hit me:
I was certain that they'd hate the idea but they absolutely loved it!

This is how the cover ended up looking like:
I felt like showing you a single page from the book just for fun:
G. and S. had been working on the book for nearly a year before they had enough material to include me in the project. Not only did I create the book cover, I also put together the book. I used InDesign to make the typography look optically beautiful. I worked on this after work for 14 days staying up to midnight sometimes. It was really hard at times but being a perfectionist and a good friend I wanted it to be and look perfect.
It's definitely been a fun experience so I hope I get to do this again some time
I received the book from G. today and was finally able to hold something in my hands that I've been watching on a screen for so long. Man it feels so surreal to have something that I've helped create
What did I get out of this you ask? A great deal of experience, a sore neck and a free copy of the book