I have two things on this.
First, this is old news, before the election even. You can't really whine "but Bush promised...." when you see that this news goes back to last year.
If it is such a big issue to you, why weren't these comments bigger news before the election?
Second, the following quote was purposely left out of this discussion:
Richard S. Flahavan, a spokesman for the Selective Service System, said yesterday: "We have been routinely updating the entire plan for a health-care draft. The plan is on the shelf and will remain there unless Congress and the President decide that it's needed and direct us to carry it out."
User: tfp@noname.com Pass: 1234tfp
Common Knowledge: There is always a plan for a draft, this is not news. This is not a Bush thing, a Clinton thing or a whoever is running in 2008 thing, this is a defense thing and should be treated as such. Not thrown out to try and further bash Bush.
However, I notice that nobody bothers to mention that little tidbit of information.
This quote right here really gets me:
Plus we're soon going to have a draft of skilled laborers who will be sent over to Iraq.
Oh, we are huh? This has now gone to a plan that is always in place (and on the shelf) to actually gonna happen?
And then we have this from the RS article:
In other words, if Uncle Sam decides he needs people with your skills, Selective Service has the means to draft you -- and quick.
Uh, duh. Selective Service has always had the means to draft you, if Congress puts the plan into action.
This is really weak.