Master Shake -
Having been raised by a single parent who still holds on to many of his "hippy" tendencies and is radical in some of his beliefs, ideas and thoughts, I've been raised to have no respect for the "pigs". However, when it comes to my safety (nevermind the fact that I recently experienced a robbery in my previous home WHILE I was sleeping) I will happily take what safety and protection I can get. In this world, I've found it's better to be a bit paranoid, act upon it and have your paranoia disproved then have "total faith" or a "benefit of the doubt" and have something terrible happen.
Granted, the guy could have just needed a place to sleep...I have been homeless a few times already in my life, I know how rough it can be...I also know that some people, both men and women, bend and/or break their own rules, laws, beliefs and values to survive...they learn to help themselves in a very wrong way...
Let's look at it from a different point-of-view: If the man was harmless, looking to stay warm and safe sleeping and the cops were called when they shouldn't have been, then at least the man has a warm place to sleep for a night, a bed (for what it's worth), food, etc.
Most of the time they drop the charges (oooh, BIG misdemeanor charge of "trespassing") and also it's an opportunity for the man to find a shelter to stay in, sources and programs that MAY be able to assist him in any area of help he may need to get back on his feet...
Let's be angry at the cops when they beat a black guy in the street or shoot a man 80 + times with pepper balls when he's COOPERATING with police demands...let's get pissed off at that...not when they (peacefully) remove an individual from being in/on property that is not his...
For example, I find that a lot of college girls are barbie doll carbon copies with few differences...Sadly, they're dumb, ditzy, immature, snotty, fake, or they are the gravitational center to orbiting drama. - Amnesia620