lol, ok, dawsig, your comments are so wildly out of sync with 'facts' that I wonder what kind of law you practice...hopefully, for your clients' sakes, not the kind that requires logical deduction.
1) how is your description of "soft" science any different than the trajectory of "hard" science?
Do you dispute that even theories in physics, electronics, biology, medicine, among others, have shifted over the course of the past two hundred years?
2) What kind of research did you conduct to determine that "all" white, male students who took your old professor's course never earned anything higher than a 'B'?
How did you ascertain that she is upset at your current achievements?
3) How have the Russians turned their backs on "marxism" and, where exactly, has the world even come close to a marxist reality?
If people derive some semblence of their perspective from historical materialism, or higher socialism, does that brand them a "marxist" in your eyes? Or does everything that ever was uttered from Karl illegitimate to your standpoint?
4) Now what WMD's are you speaking about? That was a bizarre statement from you that prompted me to pose these questions. Before, I was just ignoring your statements as fact, that seemed to be based on ignorance and conjecture.
5) What do you mean (and I wonder if you just echoed lebell) by the fact that Ward Churchill is espousing ideas on the taxpayers "dime"?
Do you mean the book he wrote and published that he is getting a shitstorm for?
Is that the piece that takes a critical look at WTC technicians ensuring the global capitalist economy runs smoothly and compares them to German technocrats whose actions ensured the Nazi machine ran smoothly through their lack of opposition to it?
I wonder how you ascertain whether that piece of work, and subsequent articles were composed during his government paid time. Or why that would be relevant. Should he only be allowed non-critical thought while on the job, and must only dream about personal things at night?
Do you subject that to yourself? Or are you stealing from your employer when you day dream? Or if your job entails composing briefs, when do you know you've strayed into stealing from someone?
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman