Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Did you ever wonder that maybe, just maybe, the study of the history of humanity and religion and politics has in fact MADE social science professors liberal?
Nope. I put it down to their lack of basic intellegence and inability to function in the "real world" driving them to become academics. "Social science" is "soft science". It's like the law. It's not rational, it just is the way it is, and thinking frequently changes. For example, when I was in undergrad in the 1980's, things which were considered gospel then are now considered to be quite suspect. Reality hasn't changed, what's changed is the perceptions of the faculty.
If questioning authority, be it religious or political; and causing you to challenge your own beliefs and actually THINK for one fucking second is liberal "crap"...then I guess I'm up to my eyeballs in the brown stuff.
That's not what's going on. What's going on is POLITICAL INDOCTRINATION, nothing else. Some people see through it, but others who are not as intellegent get turned into ideological zombies.
Just because you have to learn about a certain belief, like Marxism, doesn't mean that a professor is a communist.
No, what makes them communists is the belief that the communist system will work if we just give THEM control of the goverment so that they can implement it properly. They ignore the literal MOUNTAINS of bodies created by governments during the 20th century by people trying to do exactly that.
And just because your professor makes you a bit uncomfortable by saying, "Guess what people? No WMDs!" does NOT give you the right to silence him.
Given the fact that they did indeed FIND WMDs, that makes him or her factually wrong. People have a free speech right to say what they want. They do NOT have a free speech right to say what they want on the Government's dime. I have no problem with Churchill saying whatever he goddamned well pleases. But he can do it on a soapbox on a streetcorner, NOT using governmental assets.
As for my job, well, I'd rather not say, since I don't want people going and screaming to my "bosses" or the Governor. Sufficed to say, however, I don't serve coffee at Starbucks.