Originally Posted by Kostya
Ok, here's an academic question for all you Weapon people.
Exactly how long do guns and ammo last?
I mean, hypothetically in some kind of end of the world situation, without any new ammo being manufactured, and without any proper maintenence on guns, how long would guns still be usable?
Also, what kind of volume are we talking about in the US in terms of ammo? I don't have a clue.
I have several firearms from both WWII & the 1920's as well as modern ones. All function flawlessly and are maintained with normal cleaning. I've never had to replace any worn parts on them either but a modest spare parts kit could be put together quite easily. One of them I've shot regularly since I got it in 1974. I am planning on buying a centerfire revolver from the 1880's & custom handload ammo for it. Modern firearm mechanisms are well sorted out.
Military ammunition was expressly designed for long storage periods in between conflict. I've shot US WWII ammo in the past and had not misfires. Milspec ammo purchased today would be even more stable as it is made with modern formulations & processes.
Put another way, a stash of milspec ammo & a well greased firearm to shoot it then sealed into a waterproof container & buried would last longer than your lifespan. Your grandkids could unpack it and shoot it like they bought it that day.