Freaking out about the future. Graduating university, possibly moving away?
I know I'm certainly not the only person to be freaking out like this at this time of the year. My graduation date is coming up, fast and furious. April 23 marks my last exam as a university student (for the time being at least). I'll be graduating with my bachelor's degree in Computer Science.
This alone is reason enough for me to be freaking out I think. However, I've got a lot of other things on my mind. The city I'm currently living in (Halifax, NS), isn't exactly known for it's thriving IT community where I could get the kind of career I'd like with my Computer Science degree. So I'm also playing with the idea of moving away after graduating.
One of the biggest options I'm looking at right now is just up and moving to Ottawa, Ontario after graduation. I spent a total of 8 months working up there working for Alcatel (thanks to my university's co-op program). There's been a lot of talk between me and my friends (current roommate and one of our friends who moved up to Ottawa a few months ago for work) about getting a place up there.
This brings up a few issues
a) The job issue, first and foremost. I don't have a job yet. If I move up to Ottawa, sans job, I might be forced to take a minimum wage average joe job while continuing to look. Making a living like that would be difficult. Or if I don't have a job come my graduation, I could go back to my parents house (almost a stone's throw from where I am now) and apply for jobs from there. But I've also heard of how many companies don't like hiring people who don't currently live in the area.
b) The girlfriend issue. I'm currently dating this amazing girl, but it's still new. I've only been dating her for about a month now. What to do about that? I mean, I know a lot can happen between now and the end of April, but it's still in the back of my mind. I do know that it wouldn't stop me from moving somewhere if I do get a job. But the idea of moving somewhere without a job seems even less appealing if it involves me leaving her. I've tried the long distance thing before with another girl, and I didn't really like it. I also know that she's kind of looking to get out of Nova Scotia too. That brings up other options (which I'm almost scared to type down) in the back of my mind that are equally as scarey as all this.
c) The family issue. Well, my family lives here, this part is obvious, moving involves leaving them behind. I do have an aunt, uncle and cousin whom I'm kind of close with in Ottawa though (lived with them for 4 months, and visited them often them often in the other 4 months I lived in Ottawa)
d) The friends issue. I actually think I have more friends in Ottawa than here.
I know this is a lot of rambling, but I'm just really freaking out right now as I'm working on my resume, trying to gather my contacts and whatnot. I'd love to hear from anybody who's had some similar experiences, any pointers, or any words of adrive. Hell, if you know of anywhere that's looking to hire new grads from computer science, I'd love to hear that too.
*back to my resume and job searching*
<Insert witty and profound statements here>