I'm like StephenSa up there. I simply have no real sex drive. I mean, I enjoy sex and all, but most of the time I can simply go without, and not even really notice. So these may be traced with a hint of that, but just remember she probably believes everything she's saying. I won't quote everything, but I'm going to touch on some stuff.
Stress? It can certainly hamper that. I'm a stressful person, and sure, sex relieves that stress, but leading up to it, stress can completely destroy any semblace of a sex drive. It does effect everyone differently, so don't always disagree, think about it first.
Originally Posted by TheProf
She has had many orgasms, but most of them before we got married.
Hmmm. We may have something here. And I'm not the person to give tons of advice, really. But look further into this. Has she ever had an orgasm durring intercourse? Multiple? Just one? This info may help some. You may be able to find someone to give better advise in this department.