I used to play quite a bit - I just recently sold my cards a couple of years ago.
Around here, I had quite a few decks that were feared by many (wow.... what a geek I was)
But, then again - I did have the best cards available. 4 Black lotus', 3 sets of Mox's, ect.
My favorite decks to play? I had a Ball lightning deck that went undefeated for all the years that I had it, a goblin deck that did extraordinarily well, a land destruction deck that made it nearly impossible for my opponent to keep any land on the table, a counterspell deck that was just fun, and a black powerhouse deck that was slow to start, but once everything got rolling, was unstoppable.
I loved the older sets, the newer ones are just cheesy knockoffs of the old cards. I think I stopped playing around Visions...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...