Hmm... I am going through a similar situation only reversed. My wife and I got married in September after living together for a year. I've never had a huge sex drive. I've always been able to pretty much take it or leave it. When we were first together my wife (then girl friend) used to jump my bones all the time. She couldn't keep her hands off me. Frankly I found it a little annoying but realized she had needs to be fulfilled so would generally (but not always) play along. Now, a couple of years later and married she has gotten tired of initiating and frankly a lot of the time it doesn't even occur to me that we should have sex. I don't know, now that we are married there always seems to be something to do, bills to pay, problems with her kid, etc. It has been a big change for me and I find myself pretty tired a lot of the time. I'm attracted to my wife and love her. We hug and kiss. We hold hands when we go shopping and the like. I love all that but to me sex quite often is just work! Of course in my home her daughter sleeps in the room adjacent to ours and we must wait until she goes asleep to have sex. Frankly that takes all the spontenaity and fun out of it for me so thats a factor as well. I have though discovered that when I work out a lot lifting weights that I am more interested in sex, perhaps something to do with testosterone production and my own self image being better. Your wife might fiond some activity that has a similar effect on her. Perhaps you could discuss the problem with your doctor. There might be a chemical/biological reason your wife has a diminished sex drive. I'm not trying to thread-jack with my story here, just let you know that others have very similar problems and all hope is not lost. I doubt I'll ever have a sex drive to equal my wife's but I recognise that she has needs and as her partner I should make an effort make her happy. I am actively looking for ways to enhance my drive and make sex seem fun again. A marriage is a partnership, give and take. Your wife really should make an effort to balance things out a bit more. As others have said, talking to a counselor might prove beneficial.