What was your sexual relationship like before you got married and what are your ages?
Has her method of birth control changed since getting married, somethings the hormones in birth control pills can wreak havoc with sexual desire. If this has changed, and has affected her libido, I'd suggest she talk to her doctor for a different prescription.
Bascially, my real question is, is this behavior a change, or was she always like this. and if there's a change, what has changed? The stressors she mentions are real stressors, stress can affect people differently.
Right now, it's been more than 2 1/2 years since I have had sex (Take that look of horror off your face, right now...) and lately, I find that I really don't miss it (explains why I am such a crank), I can relate to the stress of everyday life taking the sex drive right out of you... and unfortunately, I don't have a good solution, except....
Talk to her about how you are feeliing, you aren't her, so you are not going to be totally in touch with her feelings, you can only be totally in touch with your feelings. Don't pressure her for sex, but don't also just let it go either... Talking to a professional, both individually and as a couple is probably a great start.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.