It seems here that the problem could be coming from her, her childhood, her teenage years, you should try to get deeper into this and try to figure out why she feels that way. For me, I'm emotional when in a relationship, I try to make contact at every least chance I get, it makes me feel better and it also makes my boyfriend feel better. I can't imagine being married for a year and have sex only 20 times, from what I know, during the first year of marriage, this get a little difficult because you're no longer alone, everything that you do and engage yourself in will be monitored and you have to be less carefree. But, in my opinion, during the first year is where the passion builds up, that's when your bond gets stronger, when you look at eachother differently and especially things like your sexual experiences should get better because you're granted more opportunities. I am sure she is going through something or the other, you won't know unless you speak to her about it.
I remember I used to say the same, that getting a hug, a kiss on the cheek will be more than enough to satisfy my fulfilment but I changed when I met someone and developed a relationship.
This must be difficult on you, and you should let her know that it's affecting you. Good luck with the situation and remember, I am no expert, you should seek professional help just to speak about it with her, I am sure it will make things better.