the whole rapture thing was made up by some preacher guy in the 1860's. i've read the new testament and i haven't found any verifiable evidence of a rapture. plus all the prophecies are vague as nostradomouses. the new testament is a series of letters written to different churches around the arab and medateranian areas. revelations was about the roman empire at the time of the author. I don't believe it was about our time.
and on the subject of the the world being 6000 years old' its just not true. all scientific evidence points to the contrary. Example: it takes roughly 8 min. for light from the sun to reach the earth,so when you see the sun in the sky you are really looking at its
after image. alot of the stars in the sky are dead and gone but since light travels at a certain speed it may take 6 billion years for light from a star to reach earth and by the time it gets here the star itself is long gone. also through carbon dating we can tell how old somthing is. that how we know that man has been on earth for roughly 100,000 yeArs(modern man, are current form, 30,000 years) and not to mention all the others that came before us: cromag,homo erectus, australopithicus,neanderthal
im not trying to say christianity is wrong or anything but i think recently people have hijacked the religion and are trying mold it to fit their own beliefs!
i believe its good to have people from all walks of life in government, that way we get the broadest range of ideas on the table. thats what makes our country so fukin awesome. but when people are extremely militant and close minded it just fuks shit up for the rest of us.