Originally Posted by metalgeek
The question comes down to: Are red lights camera's more of a nuscience or a public service?
I'd personally rather have them than not.
I'd have to say they suck, and going to court is definitely a pain in the ass. Usually takes at least a few hours.
I think catching/punishing criminals is still something best left to humans, not machines.
Don't get me wrong, I hate the assholes that run the lights right up to the last second, but I don't think red-light camera's make a difference about those people. At least, I see no difference in that behaviour here than in other cities that lack the red light cameras.
Funny - right as I was about to submit this post, i switched to my email client.... Last message received "render traffic cameras useless!". Anyone ever used any of that kind of thing?
EDIT: .. and if this is not a money grab, why doesn't the money go to those hurt by people running red lights?