Originally Posted by Lasereth
You'd see a marginal increase in performance (maybe 5-10%). It's true that better performance results from having matched RAM and CPU speeds, but having MORE ram is almost more important than having synched RAM. This is theoretically incorrect but tends to be the commonplace. Your speed difference is rather big, however, so buying the correct ram speeds will probably yield better than average performance (hence my 5-10% estimate).
Summary: if you buy more ram, your system will run faster, but games won't increase in performance that much. Benchmarking applications care more about the synchronization of your ram and CPU while games care more about how MUCH ram you have.
I consider 512 MB of RAM in today's games unplayable with the settings I want. Your lag is likely being caused by a shitty videocard or a simple lack of adequate ram.
I have an ATI 9600XT card, and I'm playing Desert Combat Final. That's why I was guessing it was memory related.