Originally Posted by Locke7
I 100% disagree with you. Faith is just a way you believe. I have never felt threatened, or warned to follow any rules. Because I have faith, I choose to make certain decisions in my life.
I'm not sure what you disagree with in my post.
Faith is just a way you believe. Sure thing. So why would anyone have faith that excludes others from happiness unless they change to fit some predefined rules? If you're going to have faith in some great thing, there is no reason to limit that great thing, either in scope of greatness or in scope of who has access to the greatness. For example, the faith being described in this thread is supremely great - there are no undesireable aspects to post-Rapture experience: there are no taxes, there is no fear, there is no death. But the faith described in this thread is very specifically limited to who will experience it. Why? There is no point in limiting your faith.
The only explanation I can come up with is that this "faith" is nothing more than control. Maybe you can provide a different explanation that makes more sense.