'Hardly Believe That It’s The End Of The World
'Hardly believe that it’s the end of the world
We are in a house of glass—all glass—with odd metal support in the walls, but still mainly transparent. The sun beats through it strangely illuminated all objects as a mirage. The glass walls watch us from their illusions. The carpet under our feet is a dusty brown, but it is not part of my field of vision. We both sit on the couch, the only object in the room, which like the carpet is the same dusty brown. I sit next to her on the couch staring out through the glass house. As I stare in between her and the forest outside, I still can feel the elements around me. Outside there is a forest of pure green, there are no tree trunks, only green leaves surrounding the house. The sky above is a fake ocean blue, and like the rest of the world, a mirage. All details are secondary to her. ‘Hardly believe that it’s the end of the world.
Her long length blonde hair is to her back as I see when she leans forward. I watch her movements like I do in real life, to inhale every detail from her to remain a perfect memory. Her brown eyes stare outward through the glass. A slight aroma fills my nose and I look closer. I don’t want to leave this Earth because I don’t want the next. It is her perfume, something that I am not an expert on but I know that I like hers. I can feel the aroma around me and get other strange sensations that can only be felt in a dream and understood in a dream—things that can never be felt in real life: all new senses appear to border in my mind. I cannot explain or begin to remember other than colors took on forms inside me. A red pink glaze fills my body as I sat closer.
She looks at me to speak without her voice. She smiles and looks with her big loving eyes. It is impossible not to smile back. I feel the impressions of her mind and it speaks a thought to me, “Looking?” as in, “Why do you look at me?” I hear her goddess voice in my head and can respond the same way. I look into her deep brown eyes and can see all her thoughts, all her memories, all her dreams, all her fears, all her loves, all at once, and she can too with mine. I close my eyes and softly whisper at the top of my mind.
“This is the body you hide? Are you crazy?” I move closer to her to feel her presence in my dream. I smell her perfume, I touch her hair and it brushes against my arm, I love her as she is. I realize this is a dream and it crushes me. I act though that it is real life still, because I know nothing of what can happen in the morning. I kiss her shoulder and lay my head upon it. She tenderly holds my hand, I gently massage my fingers with hers. I shed a tear, a cold but fiery tear that has come from my mind. It takes away all the fear, all the exaggerations, all the lies, all the pain inside us away. The entire world looks at us: the glass, the trees, the floor, the couch, all is alive and watches us. And I say, “I’m gonna miss you.” I look back up and stare into her eyes and watch her smile because it may be the last one I will ever see.