I never make excuses when I get caught speeding, that's the last thing a cop wants to hear, unless he/she is looking for entertainment.
As far as admitting wrongdoing when it comes to driving, I will admit it. No shame in it. I just make sure that the story is at least entertaining. Like the time I nearly wiped out these two kids driving in some tiny shitbox with my mini-van. I was changing lanes and I only checked my side and rear mirrors, I never checked my blindspot. Just as I was making the move I caught a flash of movement, of course, I was halfway in their lane. I got back over in a hurry. Boy were they pissed!! I apologized and all was well, thank God we didn't collide on the highway doing 70mph, that would have sucked. Worse than that is it would have been my fault and more than likely someone would have died.
I've become a lot more defensive while driving than I used to be. I think it's served me well, because most people aren't.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.