^ Oh yes. The tirade of the overwhelmed, put-upon motorist! The laments of only being able to use two of three available lanes for driving your car. Ah, the poor souls who have to drive their car slightly more slowly or with more caution when approaching a tax paying citizen on a bicycle. <End Sarcasm>
The cyclist can not be "doing" anything to you by riding next to the lane marker, inside your lane, or any other place on the road. You can see him as you approach, right? I am sure that you are aware that you have to yield to slower moving vehicles, right? Like it or not, bikes are vehicles.
I'm not trying to attack you personally. I just hope you would take the time to consider your driving habits and how they impact other people. I am not trying to start a flame war here, though I am sure that is where the thread is headed without a doubt.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein