Originally Posted by Seaver
This is all I'm going to say...
Had a French Prof who saw me one day in uniform in his classroom. Now this was during the beginning of the Iraq war, and being french he was obviously not fond of Bush.
I noticed a considerable grade drop on my assignments from that point on. Went from mostly A's and B's to C's and D's. I confronted him about it and he said it was to teach me compassion for the rest of the world.
I went to the dean about it and he said I couldnt do anything without proof. Since I didnt record it I had none... I ended up failing that class (With a 94 mid-semester).
Yes... this sort of thing sucks. It happens. But without proof where is a new law even going to help you...
A similar example:
My wife went to a prominent journalism school in Canada. One of the profs there was a notorious pig with the women in his classes. He gave good marks to women who wore shorter skirts. He would make sexist comments, all the time. He would take marks off or fail women who took him to task on this... His actions were well documented by many women in different graduating years.
My wife and some of her classmates took their issues to the Head of the J-School. He was sympathetic and offered to support them if they chose to file complaints or even go so far as to press charges...
He also added to this, that if they ever wanted to work as journalists they should carefully consider their actions. Taking these steps against a very prominent person would brand them as troublemakers, etc. They would have a very difficult time getting work once they graduated.
They chose to *not* pursue the prof.
Sure enough, the following year another group of women did pursue the prof for his actions... and sure enough they were dragged through the mud and painted as "spurned", "jealous", "incompetent", etc.
It's wrong but sometimes you just have to pick your fights.