If I'm caught speeding, I'm caught speeding. I always know, as soon as that cop whizzes by, and his lights come on, that I'm busted. I never ever try to out talk the cop, I always confess my guilt, and sometimes it pays off. The way I see it, the cops get enough shiite from so many people in a day, that they're actually grateful for a nice guy.
Second example where being a nice guy paid off. A lady cost control on the highway one night, during a snow storm. I was following her, at a safe distance, but the roads were bad, and as she was swerving, I T-Boned her straight on. Anyway we both managed to get our cars off the road, and while we were waiting for a Tow Truck we started talking. We were pleasant to each other and there was no laying the blame or fault. When the tow truck came, it took her car because it was mangled, but my car was fine enough to drive. She ended up at the wreckers, and I told her I'd come and pick her up and drive her home, which I did.
In the end I got a rental car for two weeks, and my whole front end replaced, and it didn't cost me a penny and my insurance didn't go up. I assume that she took full responsibility.
So the moral of the story is that sometimes being a nice guy pays off.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys