It's happened a good couple of times. My previous girlfriend told me it was because i was handsome, but i'm not the type to believe i'm handsome. even though she told me constantly... and my current one does too, except she more often says i'm really cute. Again, maybe they're blind or something

, but I just don't see it.
I see it as a total compliment, no matter who it comes from. I think, "wow, this person (regardless of sex) thought enough of me to risk rejection, in whatever form, just to find out more about me. That's awesome, and I wish more people were that bold."
Pretty much the normal response i give is something along the lines of, "i'm sorry, dude, i'm not- but thanks for thinking of me." One guy was kinda beating around the bush and flirting real shy-like, I could tell he was trying to find out or maybe ask me if i was interested. We were in a store that sells music, movies, videogames, all that, and we were browsing the DVD section. He finally asked me what I was doing later, and i smiled and said, "i'm flattered that you asked, but i've got a girlfriend (which I did, not a lie)"
He started backtracking and apologizing and I told him to not worry about it, he shouldn't be embarassed. I told him he seemed like a good guy, and that some lucky guy will be very happy with him. We chatted about movies for a bit more, and then he left. Right before he left, he told me that most straight guys he asks aren't very nice about it. I think that's horrible. I told him to forget about them, just like straight guys ignore prissy "i'm going to reject you with a 12-gauge because i'm SOOOO much better than you" bitches. He thought that was hilarious.
And speaking of which... i hear constantly about how guys are fed up with snobby girls being total bitches about letting someone down gently due to disinterest, and how girls are so mean about it and just verbally kick you in the balls sometimes... but then apparently there are many men who would turn around and do the same shit to a guy who's interested in him. Weird, hmm?