Well, I've been in a few car accidents and after paying through the nose for the first one, I keep mum and let the law/insurance companies sort it out.
I'm a pretty laid back driver as I hardly ever have a feather ruffled. That being said, I try to accept responsibility for my poor judgement and such in traffic. Now occasionally, I will have a bad day and sometimes vent on the drivers with me in traffic, a rare occurance I assure you, but usually when I get home and reflect, I realize that I probably over reacted and only succeeded in making an ass out of myself.
Now, my sister, is another beast. She never accepts responsibility. She once ran over some guy's mailbox because she was trying to apply makeup on her way to work as she was running late. She actually tried to convince the insurance company that the damage wouldn't have been so severe if the guy hadn't reinforced his mailbox with concrete and tried to get them to pressure the guy to pay a bit on the repair.
No signature. None. Seriously.