If you don't like the way he's dealing with advice, regardless of how good it may be, you can stop posting. Nobody is going to close a thread because a couple of members whine about some guy they never met (and whose existance they can't even confirm) not taking their advice. If you really can't stand it, there's an ignore list. Think about how you would feel if you honestly believed that you had ruined someone else's life and felt like everybody was against you. If you want to stop seeing it, then don't click on this thread when you see it. I'll be extra nice and put a tag on it saying (Now With Pregnancy Test Results) if and when he tells us. The absolute last thing he needs is what a few people are doing be getting mad at him.
Now, to address the topic at hand.
It's possible for a woman to still experience monthly bleeding up to 4-6 months into a pregnancy. It's also possible for a healthy woman with an irregular cycle to miss an entire cycle when an illnes or stress (either positive or negative stress,) messes with her body.
You have to talk to her. You have to address the subject directly instead of beating around the bush. You have to support her through whatever choice she makes (if she has a kid, legally, you have no right to do anything other than pay child support.)