Originally Posted by Rekna
Here is my problem with not stressing that it is a theory when taught. When I grew up I was taught that the big bang was practically a scientific fact. Now these same scientists that said it was a fact are coming out and saying no we were wrong it wasn't the big bang.
.Actually "They" still back the big bang for the most part....theoretical research is investigating the Cause of it now. I would recommend you research the world of science before commenting further, as this seems to be a somewhat weak area for you. The vast majority of information you put forth is seriously flawed by even the most liberal standards, as you seem to repeat headlines, and avoid details.
If indeed you were taught that the Big Bang was "practically" a scientific fact....would that not mean you were taught it was a theory. Evolution carries far more weight in the community you have decided to go up against (science) than creation for one simple reason...............There is varifiable data to back up much of its conclusions. Creationism has only the faith of people who generally fail to research the science in the first place. Most scientists have read at least one version of the Bible. Few theologians bother to study the world of science. And that is indeed a pity.