I don't object to the bill in principal. It just seems to me something rather arbitrary and difficult to enforce. I have news for you folks, if i were to waste valuable time in my biology class arguing with the professor about the inherent logic of creationism, i would deserve whatever grade docking i ended up with. Would this type of completely valid consequence be prohibited by this pseudo bill of rights?
In the real-outside-of-college world, saying what's on your mind, even when you should have every right to do so, can result in undesirable consequences. Even in taxpayer funded situations. It's called choosing your battles and it is an essential skill.
I haven't heard any evidence of widespread left-wing indoctrination. In fact, if i may refer any of you to recent national voting trends, it would appear that any effort focused on left-wing indoctrination has failed miserably.
Last edited by filtherton; 02-13-2005 at 04:18 PM..