Originally Posted by AquaFox
i was wondering how its best done??
i joined thefacebook.com and stuff....... havn't realy meet any new people yet from it... i tried to start talking one girl, that conversation bombed out quickly and havn't talked to her again....
any advice or pointers for trying to meet new people online from a site like this??? my biggest concern is that i i'm afraid of being pesky by IMing people who i don't know
Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. Release your fears and concerns . . . Put yourself out there in an honest light . . .
Just give it a try and don't hold back . . . I know from recent experiences that you might not be disappointed . . . some real connections can come from it. It's just like in real life . . . being out somewhere . . . you like someone, you think they seem interesting . . . Reach out.