I get a kick hearing new "facts" as to why the current models describing the creation of the earth must be wrong and why a Biblical (read Genesis) view is more likely.
Yet with very little effort, I can find sites such as this
That demolish such nonsense as "moon dust" and the "magnetic field".
As to seashells on mountain tops, I know more than a little bit about geology, that being my first major oh so many years ago. And when one understands just a little bit about tectonic uplift and subsidence, then these mysteries too are solved.
Of course, the flood crowd can't answer how a civilization like the Chinese, which
was around when the flood supposedly occured, didn't get wiped out. (The real evidence is that there very well might have been some cataclismic event that caused major coastal flooding in the Mediteranian a few thousand years ago...but not a global flood, that being an impossibility.)