Originally Posted by uptown
No I don't want my SO to tippie toe in with flowers and ice cream. Yes my period is occasionally painful, yes I often feel sad due to hormones but a whole lot of people have days when they aren't feeling well and they are still expected to act as rational adults,most of em are also still expected to go to work, care for their kids,cook and clean sans benefit of coddling.
If I have cramps I go take some asprin, if I'm sad I go off to a private place where my crying won't annoy or disrupt others. I take responsibility for myself and that includes being adult enough not to bother/annoy people just because I'm not feeling up to snuff..
Btw,men also have hormonal cycles, testostrone levels rise and fall over the course of a 24 hr day, with the highest levels usually occuring at 10am.
There's a difference between coddeling and caring, as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong). Men aren't being selfish when they try to ease the possible suffering women might have. As the menstrual cycle is a part of most women, men should accept that part of a woman as they would any other part. To exclude menstrual issues from a relationship is to avoid a whole part of a person.
I have said several times that men have hormones that run amock, they just don't do it on a 28 day cycle as far as I know (so it's relavence to this thread is arguable). If you want to write a post similar to mine about the male daily testosterone cycle, I would not only welcome it, I would encourage it.