Martin I did address those quotes in my last posts. Reread them I talked directly about them. Grace is from love. God's love is unconditional. Works come out of love for God, love from God does not come from works.
Jesus came not to abolish the law but fulfil it. He did exactly what he said he fulfilled it. He fulfilled the law for us so that we would not have to.
Questions for those of you who think works are a requirement to get into heaven. Do you believe we are saved by God's grace? Is God's grace a gift? Do you work for a gift, or is it mearly given? If we have to work for salvation how much is enough? Do we have a checklist that we have to accomplish? Is there some scale we are weighed against that we must all pass? Isn't this legalism? Why did Jesus die for us if it was the law that we need and not grace?
Christianity needs to start with the knowledge that God loves you unconditionally. That your salvation is a gift and nothing you do can cause you to loose that or gain it. Because you beleive you will be saved. That is for the young christians. Then when you grow and start eating solid food you then learn about doing good for others. Being salty in your life so that you make those around you thirsty for god. You bring god to others through the way you live. Works bring glory to god and should not be just cast aside but the second we use works to justify our salvation we have taken away from god. We have taken the salvation out of God's hands and into our own. I'm sorry but I don't trust man enough to let them hold the key to salvation. I only trust in God.