Underover Man, definitely get another opinion. I got three opinions for my wisdom teeth in about six or nine months ago and eventually came to the decision that I'd get them all out, all four of them. I went to a private hospital at 5am, got kocked out, woke up a few hours later and it was all done. I could talk just fine (sounded a bit dumb but still), it didn't bleed , I felt groggy for an hour or so but then proceeded to do my homework. I'd ask your dentist if you'll be allowed to drive after the operation. Perhaps it was different for me because I got totally kocked out, not just a numbed mouth, but I wasn't even allowed to leave the hospital unless someone was there at the reception to pick me up. Just make sure you'll be allowed to leave on your own if you have to go to school but I suppose you shouldn't have any problems if it's just a numb mouth.
Anyway, they felt sore that day and felt swollen, but it didn't look like it. Some foods were hard to eat but by the second day there was no pain and after four or five days everything was back to normal.
Just wanted to say that not ever wisdom teeth extraction turns out to be a horror story
Some aren't painful, they're just plain boring, like mine