i didn't mean my comment to insult you but i do feel that many of the comments in this thread presents women as somehow lacking. The idea that woman have these weird hormones that makes them confusing and hard to understand paints them as lesser to men. the implication is that men were born normal and women are somehow flawed. I do not think that you or anyone in this thread consciously believes that men are superior to women and i don't want to discourage anyone from making an effort to understand what their SO is experiencing but I just don't think that this sort of formulaic approach is likely to improve relationships between the sexes. EVERYONE has hormones and yet you do not see a thread devoted to explaining men's moods based on when their testosterone is peeking. I think this is because as society we assume that men are rational creatures capable of making informed decisions. Throughout history women have been cast as manic and unable to control their emotions and on some level i think this thread builds on that history.
As a woman I don't think that my mood varies much at all with my menstrual cycle. And while i would appreciate the gift of ice cream on any given day I would be upset to find out that someone had brought me this gift based on an assumption that was made about my mood.
If you want to understand how the women in your life feel you should ask them instead of trying to explain (or even understand) their feelings without their input.