Originally Posted by samcol
Ya, I don't understand how people can even try to debate this when they don't know any of the facts. I run into this almost every debate about 9/11 that I get into. I bet you could show the the footage of the WTC 7 building collapsing to most Americans, and they wouldn't even be able to tell you when and where it happened.
You're preaching to the choir, man. Most people know that some other buildings were effected. It's amazing how people can be bothered enough to get bumper stickers of the American flag without doing some research first. Heh.
Honestly, people take a lot of things lying down. Ask anyone on the street if what progress we've made in catching the phantom Osama Bin Laden in the last year and a half (shit, three years even) and they'll insist that we have tons of troops combing the hills and deserts. When you tell them that America has Afghani warlords looking for Osama, they'll call you a liar and unpatriotic. It almost makes me wonder if people should earn freedom, or just allow others to fight for it. I'd like to see at least
some effort. Just a glimmer of hope. Threads like this are one such glimmer.