Originally Posted by CShine
When you inject religious doctrine into science class when there's no scientific basis for it, that's respecting an establishment of religion. If you support that then the only reason you're putting it there is to push a religious agenda.
There's no scientific basis for treating boys and girls as the same, yet does anyone make a peep? No.
There are scientifically documented difference between boy and girls, yet the NEA and the DofE insist to ignore difference and teach them as unisex. For example, a PA HS took some students out West for a summer trip a few years back. During the trip, the students met with some sort of "get in touch with your feelings" sort of scavenger hunt (my memory is not what it used to be, so please bear with me). Anyways, they were all told to split up and find this or that and write their feeling about the item into their journal. Then they would meet at a certain point, where they would discuss what they wrote in their journals.
Somewhere along the way, the boys found each other and decided to just do their own thing. In the process, they ended up making a campfire out of their journals. When they meet with the girls and the counslers, they told them what happened. Of course, the counslers (all women of course) were furious and sent them back to their hotel early.
The moral of the story? Boys and girls are different. Thus, we should not require boys to learn to stich and sew (as a NY HS recently required out of their students). Nor should school admin crush the spirit of boys who show a certain aggressiveness in their behavior (ie...take the anti bullying policies and apply them not universally, but by gender). I could go on and on, but you get the pic.