here she comes
Setting up for spring around here. The flying wedges of geese point due north these days. There’s the occasional seagulls resting up in superstore parking lots. A few farmers are getting the jump on things by turning over newly thawed fields. And there’s little bulging buds on bare tree limbs.
The sky is lit by a higher warmer sun. Clouds puff up after descending from their high striations. Our road is a collection of muddy ruts swamped by thawing snowbanks. Most of last year’s gravel’s been scraped away by the plows of winter.
Got on my lighter jacket. Sus is wearin’ her fringe buckskin. Mimi’s in her lightweight western fleece. I’m writing fair weather poems and sus is out on the sunporch painting the landscape.
Yep. Winter’s windin’ down. Don’t matter what else is up its sleeve. We been through another year’s low down ride. And the tide’s on it’s way in ag’in.
create evolution
Last edited by ARTelevision; 02-28-2005 at 07:21 AM..