I have news for you: we're already a toking nation. You'd be suprised how many people have smoked/eaten marijuana.
All drug laws should be removed, it's not the government's job to say what i can and can not do with my body. This case has been made time and time again with abortion rights, and drugs are the same deal. My body, my choice.
The current drug industry lobby has helped to ruin america. Has anyone wondered why obesity is now classified as a disease? Has anyone wondered why there are commercials for perscription drugs on TV? Who here can name 5 adults who are not on atleast 1 perscription drug? I bet it'll be pretty tough.
The government has over-stepped it's bounds in so many ways its disgusting. If the founding father's could have seen what the government has tured into many of them would have killed themselves and let us stay part of England.
We Must Dissent.