Thread: Laptop Purchase
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Old 02-12-2005, 08:08 AM   #6 (permalink)
Originally Posted by soccerchamp76
Nobody can convince you either way. Whatever you are used to you should use.
Honestly, I wouldnt mind either way really. Ive had experience in Windows, Linux and Mac ( VERY limited ) and I havnt had a problem in navigating any of them.

Originally Posted by metalgeek
The best list I've seen:
While its not the deciding factor, the school Im attending has a deal with Dell, Apple and IBM for student discounts of 8%, so it would be nice if it was one of the three. However, the Dell Inspiron series, the Apple Powerbook series and HP Pavilion zt3000 look great ( and very similar at that.. ) but the IBM X ( why is their site so slow??? ) seems like the point is to take power out of the machine to increase battery life. Even so, I guess its a trade off between power and battery life but when there are only 2 options for configuations - Ultra Low Voltage and Very low voltage ..Im not really that interrested.

At $1500 it seems like you can basically customize the laptop to about the same place. The only difference seems like OS, battery life and weight.. that might just be me thought.
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