I'm glad you updated, because now I get to tell you this and know you'll read it.
Well, your language and style from your original posts indicated to me that being a figure of authority came first, and being a father second. This is never the way to go, even if your goals were admirable or even (perceived by you) "correct".
So, not to be crass- but now you've proved your grand point, you've guarded the world against the evils of a 20-year old (who wasn't even the father, as it turns out) on your 16-year-old daughter. In the process, you've alienated your daughter to the point she won't even take a car from you.
I'll be waiting for the "my daughter turned 18 today and all her stuff is gone and I can't find her or my grandchild" thread. Maybe you'll luck out and she'll leave a note. And hey, if you're really lucky, she won't "cuss you out" on it.
I'm not trying to flame anyone here, but you're giving us this story and this is my honest opinion of the words you've strewn across the board here.