*Me*: Are we live?
*Director*: Your on!
*clears throat*
<disclaimer> These are my opinions and I am in no way trying to be rude or insulting</disclaimer>
Allow me to throw in my logic into this thread.
Ribs, in my honest opinion I think you and your partner's first decision should have been to discuss what's going on, then take a pregnancy test (They are relatively cheap and it's a no questions asked kind of business at your local pharmacy EPT is a very good brand). A pregnancy test in no way would have A) Sped up a possible pregnancy and B) would have harmed any of you. A pregnancy test would have taken maybe 2 hours out of your lives depending on how far she is from a local drug store, 2 hours of anticipation vs. many hours of stress and aggravation.
I highly doubt (99.999%) that precum could have called a pregnancy, unless you physically helped my shoving the "substance" all the way up to her fallopian tube. Also whether you may or may not know when exposed to air most if not all sperm die almost instantly.
On a more serious note you have nothing to worry about, things got hot and she is feeling the after effects of it which aren't really all that bad.
Seriously though on a more serious note I think you should most definitely research sexual activity a lot more since you and your partner are novices.
If she is somehow pregnant I suggest a paternity test since I doubt you'd be the father (I heard crazy things about college man, next year'll be a blast heh) and if you are, man the fruit of your loins (and her womb) will be a beautiful thing.
So in short 1) Discuss with her 2) Get her to take the test 3) Post results.
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Last edited by Gamer90; 02-11-2005 at 08:20 PM..