We're probably going to end up seriously modded anyway. Personally I'd go for nano-augmentations to clear up nasty cells and keep me healthy, and something like a SoulKeeper (read Ian M Bank's Look To Windward for a good example of stuff like this - in fact, just read all his stuff) to back up my mind when I'm old - and then transfer it to another body.
However piercings = Not for me. I'm too squeamish for that. I'd want any mods to serve some kind of readily identifiable purpose and anything below that (IE my personal self-expression) I'd just end up changing my lifestyle/hair/clothes to suit.
Furry is the leader of his own cult, the "Furballs of Doom". They sit about chanting "Doom, Doom, Doom".
(From a random shot in the dark by SirLance)