Don't listen to him, Nancy! He says that to all the girls, and the occasional cow. It's a ploy, a device, a strategem to get you into his pale, clammy clutches. Once there, oh the horrors that await. One might expect a nightstalker and daywalker such as GH to enslave you with his own blood, or merely to sip you like a fine wine, discarding your well perforated , yet still strangely compelling carcass thereafter, but GH is a truely diabolical specimin. Rest assured, within hours of succumbing, you will begin to sprout thick dark brown hairs all over that beautiful derrier, and within days, you will certainly make a post on the f**K thread nearly indistinguishable for one of flyman's.
So don't do it, sweet lady. It's your ass.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.