Originally Posted by 1010011010
Easy... it's 7e82 light years.
I'd recommend finding a really really huge object (like the estimated size of the universe). Let them get a good concept of that in their head... and then say "And that object is about 0.00...0001% the size of 2.2e99 feet."
What are you talking about that's larger than the universe, if you don't mind me asking?
I work in Civil Engineering, using AutoCAD software to design residential developments, shopping centers, roads, etc.... Someone from my office placed an object 2.20E+99 feet away from a site I was designing on the computer and caused all kinds of havoc when they zoomed out to the extents of the drawing file and couldn't see anything on the screen. Theoretically, the space we work in on the computer screen is infinite.
Thanks for your reply.