Originally Posted by MageB420666
zen_tom - How the hell is the outlawing of drugs cost effective? We've sunk billions in trying to keep them out of America, and it still hasn't stopped them from coming in. Plus the crime caused by drugs being unaffordable has cost who knows how much.
I guess it's cheaper to employ customs guards and law enforcement officers than it is to employ Doctors, Nurses and Psychiatrists.
If you make guns freely available, you will have people misuse them and cause themselves (and others) damage. Even the most gun crazy states in the US will restrict peoples access to REALLY powerfull weaponry because they don't want to have to clean up the mess. It's just easier that way. And in countries where gun ownership is illegal, surprise surprise, there are fewer gun-related deaths per capita.
Likewise drugs. If you restrict availability, fewer people will tread down dangerous paths. If people want to tread down those paths, they are going to do it anyway - legal or not. If you keep it illegal, fewer people will take those chances.