I hope someone sees this as it's quite far down in the thread. A few questions for the women:
I'm trimmed (used to completely shave my pubic area, shaft, pernium, and ass all "baby's bottom smooth" religiously) because my girlfriend has noticed some friction when we have sex. It is the stubble, you see. Obviously only noticeable during the act of sex.
1. When my pubic area rubs on her and the fine stubble irritates her missionary style.
2. When I shaved the shaft and we were riding bare-back that my penis would irritate her vagina internally to some degree.
3. She also says that during doggie-style, my pubic area would irritate her butt to some degree.
What are your thoughts on this? Does anyone here feel her pain?
What can I do to remedy this? She and I love to be shaved, but as I said before, she's recently asked me to just trim it to save her sanity.
Should I shave these areas more regularly (change cycle to "every day"), or is there a product I should look into, or should I tell her to suck it up and try to bare the pain? As much as I would hate to have her in pain during sex, there's only so much skin and hair my razor can take off before internal muscle starts to show