Originally Posted by KMA-628
If that is the role I wish to play, than yes, this idea eliminates my involvement. While some financial aspects of politics are not played above board, not all are. Eliminating them entirely, is kinda like cutting off your hand to spite your face. I could see a cap on donations, personal or corporate, but I see eliminating all of them as an infringement of my rights.
If that is the role you wish to play, it seems kind've half assed. I don't believe that signing a check amounts to healthy democratic participation. I think it would be better if all one could donate was time. We all have the same amount of time, we don't all have the same amount of money.
As far as the "distint advantage" part: you don't think leaving the dissemination of information to the media is a "distinct advantage" to the person(s) that is more attractive to the media?
Isn't that a problem nowadays anyway? Can you tell me off the top of your head what the names of the 3rd party candidates involved in the presidential election last year? Didn't think so. Besides, the media is currently almost completely in charge of disseminating information on political candidates as far as the average person is concerned.
Same analogy: California - did the best person win? Nope. The most popular person won, regardless of his/her idealogy. Remove the parties and you get a California situation with the media clamoring to the candidate that will give them the best ratings. Even if you jacked up the cost to participate, than only the people who can afford to participate will. It won't make the pool of choices any better.
I'll give you a better analogy: U.S. presidency- did the best person win? Nope. Because out of what we were offered by the current two party system each candidate was weak. John Kerry? Douchebag. George Bush? Douchebag. Any presidential candidate who will ever be nominated by the republicans or democrats? Probably a douchebag. There was no ideal candidate, the people were given the choice between salisbury steak with peas or salisbury steak with corn. The two party system is broken. Our representative democracy is going down the shithole because the power structure is stagnant. The media already clamors for the candidate likely to give them the best ratings. If you don't think that's a problem now, than i don't see how you could see it as a problem under different conditions.