I'll go you one further zen-tom...
You said that we can't legalize drugs because of the risk of people abusing them. What about cigarettes? The only taxed and completely legal way to slowly kill yourself (and those around you) for about 5 bucks at a time. I've even asked some people why they smoke and they tell me the same thing, "It's my choice wether I want to or not." So what difference is it then if they choose to smoke cigarettes or I choose to take entheogenetic drugs for spiritual reasons? Besides, as long as I do not harm another person or interfere with their lives what power does the government have of blocking my spiritual paths and goals? They won't even let Native Americans use peyote in their centuries old religious rituals.
In case you're wondering. Yes, I use hallucinogenic drugs on occasion as a means of obtaining an altered state of consiousness during meditation or just some good ol' fasioned introversion, seeking inner peace...you know, outrageous, illegal stuff like that.
the·o·ry - a working hypothesis that is considered probable based on experimental evidence or factual or conceptual analysis and is accepted as a basis for experimentation.
faith - Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
- Merriam-Webster's dictionary
Last edited by Fourtyrulz; 02-11-2005 at 07:04 AM..