Originally Posted by braisler
There are too many media channels telling people that being fat is not their fault. You choose what foods to put into your body. You choose whether you walk a mile after dinner or plop down on the couch to watch Seinfeld reruns. These are the choices that make you fat or not.
Of course there are a few examples of people getting fat because of some rare illness but the vast majority is fat because of what they do and don't. It ticks me off when they won't realize or admit that.
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.