alright. go out there, buy The Guide to Getting it On! by Paul Joannides. not only will it dispel your worries, but it'll teach you, in a fun and civilized manner, everything about sex and how it works.
i think that you need to sit down and have some serious dialouge with yourself about what you know about sex, because it seems you don't know a lot at all. precum, while having sperm in it, is an incredbily small amount of fluic and *if* some got on your finger it's *highly* unlikely that it would find its way up through her cervix, all the way across her uterus, up her fallopian tube to find an egg that's ready to be fertilized. if you're that worried about getting her pregnant, you don't need to be having sex with her unless she's on the pill and you're in a little rubber raincoat. plus i highly doubt she'd be having pre-pregnancy symptoms of boobs hurting four days after you left. that's a little early. i agree with the other posters here- her hormones are probably fluxing due to the emotional ups and downs you expierenced while going "to third base." also, if she's ignorant of the fact she could possibly be pregnant, it seems she's a bit too naive to be sexually active.
(disclaimer) I'm not saying this in a demeaning manner, but i DO think it's VERY important to be educated about sex and sexuality BEFORE something like this happens between you and your partner. *The More You Know*
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous -C'hi