Will -
I understand your first paragraph. I am of the opinion that all fascism is unacceptable and the past 3+ years of American gov't have accelerated the course to full-on fascism. I'm sure there will be a lively debate on the "question" of fascism in America today, primarily from those who support the actions of this administration. I can tell you right now that debate is not going to interest me.
As for your second paragraph, it is admirable. Unfortunately, the days of effective protestation (if they existed for more than a fleeting moment at all) are over. When the world, including millions in this country, protest a war and that protest is either ignored or viewed as the actions of lunatics or viewed simply as an annoyance in traffic congestion while you drive to work - protest has failed. There are two options: change the method of communication (from rational, in the case of liberals) or give up. As this article has offered one means of a change in communication, I feel the need to consider it. My initial thoughts, as expressed above, are apprehensive. Is there an alternative method of change? I have yet to see it.
When the lowest common denominator is, in fact, so low ... how do you raise the level of discourse?
Last edited by Manx; 02-10-2005 at 09:54 PM..