Originally Posted by pocon1
Wow, this thread is amazing. I cannot believe that you people actually believe this shit. I don't believe a video produced in England has any idea that they know what they are talking about.
I am a personal trainer in DC. Next to Fannie Mae. One of my clients lost his wife in the plane that went into the Pentagon. One of my friends lost his friend in the plane that WENT INTO THE PENTAGON. Get a reality check, People. Like you all know what a fucking plane crash looks like. Talk to the people who's friends and family are gone.
As a pilot I totally disagree with your statement. I DO know what a plane crash looks like and I can tell you first of all, there would be SOME type of debris left over from the "crash." Aircraft wreckage always leaves SOMETHING behind. Wings, tail, engines, something. A few pieces are always noticeable. Based on that alone, I am led to believe that the gov't is lying to us. (like that's a surprise) I'm willing to be that the aircraft was shot down somewhere over water and the real wreckage is at eh bottom of the Atlantic or at some disclosed location where the gov't went in and very quickly and quietly cleaned it us because everyone's attention was focused on New York, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania.